Steroma superba

Fairly common 1500-2250 m. Puddles, and attracted to bait.

Similar species: Wing margins more regular than other Steroma species; it is also larger, with larger wings in proportion to the head.

2250 m., Moyomonte, Calca

Steroma modesta

Fairly common 1000-2400 m., usually below 2000 m. Puddles, and attracted to bait.

Similar species: V ground colour browner than S. bega; see S. superba.

2150 m., Alto Combamayo, Calca

1850 m., Potrero Road, La Convencion

Steroma bega

Common 1950-2700 m. Puddles, and attracted to bait.

Similar species: See other Steroma species. Steremnia monachella can be similar but is more strongly patterned and has a contrasting rich brown VFW.

2000 m., Rocotal, Paucartambo

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