Pyrrhogyra crameri

Fairly common(?) up to 600 m. Attracted to bait, spitwads, and mud. I'm not sure which subspecies occur(s) in Cusco.

Similar species: The only Pyrrhogyra with a single (not double) red line at VFW base.

600 m. Quebrada Bienvenida, Paucartambo

600 m. Quebrada Bienvenida, Paucartambo

Pyrrhogyra otolais

Fairly common(?) up to 1000 m. Attracted to bait, spitwads, and mud. I'm not sure which subspecies occur(s) in Cusco.

Similar species: See P. crameri. Other Pyrrhogyra have red eyes among other differences.

550 m., Villa Carmen, Paucartambo

850 m., Kuporo Lodge, Quispicanchi

Pyrrhogyra edocla lysanias

Uncommon 700-1350 m., perhaps slightly lower. Attracted to bait and mud. Subspecies cuparina, with much more diffuse white markings in VHW margin, probably occurs in true lowlands.

Similar species: Eyes are red, unlike P. otolais. Has red inner line on VFW base, and lacks red along VHW costa, unlike P. neaerea (I have no Cusco records) and P. amphiro.

700 m., Kuporo Lodge, Quispicanchi

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

Pyrrhogyra amphiro

Uncommon(?) up to 550 m. Attracted to bait. I'm not sure which subspecies occur(s) in Cusco.

Similar species: Red along VHW costa is unique among Pyrrhogyra I've encountered in Cusco, although I'm not sure how to distinguish this species from P. neaerea (I have no Cusco records); neaerea may have more diffuse or blurry marginal markings on V. Additionally, inner line on VFW base is brown, not red like P. edocla; eyes are red unlike P. otolais.

550 m., Villa Carmen, Paucartambo

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