Oleria assimilis

Uncommon up to 600 m. Found at forest edge; attracted to flowers.

Similar species: ?

600 m., Quebrada Bienvenida, Paucartambo

Oleria estella subosa

Fairly common 850-1100 m. Usually found inside forest; attracted to Eupatorieae flowers.

Similar species: White FW band broader than O. quintina, and not bordered below by a rufous line.

850 m., Kuporo Lodge, Quispicanchi

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Oleria quintina

Fairly common 850-1450 m. Usually found inside forest; attracted to flowers.

Similar species: White FW band narrower than O. estella, and bordered below by a rufous line.

1150 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

1350 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

Oleria attalia attalia

Uncommon 2050-2250 m. Found at forest and edge, attracted to Eupatorieae flowers.

Similar species: ?

2150 m., Alto Combamayo, Calca

2250 m., Moyomonte, Calca

Oleria athalina

Rare(?) at 1950 m. Found inside forest. I'm uncertain which subspecies occur(s) in Cusco.

Similar species: More heavily marked than others - eg. O. fasciata or O. padilla.

1950 m., Madre Selva, La Convencion

Oleria fasciata melchori

Uncommon at 2200 m. Attracted to Eupatorieae flowers. Other subspecies may occur elsewhere in Cusco.

Similar species: Very similar to O. padilla; less heavily-marked than O. athalina.

2200 m., Alto Combamayo, Calca

Oleria padilla

Fairly common 1100-2200 m. Found inside forest and along roadsides; attracted to Eupatorieae flowers. There are probably at least two different subspecies in Cusco.

Similar species: Very similar to O. fasciata; less heavily-marked than O. athalina. See also O. tremona schoenfelderi.

2150 m ., Alto Combamayo, Calca

1400 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

Oleria tremona ochoai

Uncommon at 2150 m. Attracted to Eupatorieae flowers.

Similar species: ?

2150 m., Alto Combamayo, Calca

Oleria tremona schoenfelderi

Fairly common 1350-2100 m. Found at roadside Eupatorieae flowers.

Similar species: Rufous margin on HW is wider than O. padilla.

2000 m., Rocotal, Paucartambo

2100 m., Rocotal, Paucartambo

Oleria derondina mandorina

Uncommon(?) at 2250 m. Other subspeies may occur in other parts of Cusco.

Similar species: ?

2250 m., Machupicchu, Urubamba

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