Callicore astarte

Rare(?) up to 700 m. Attracted to bait and mud. I'm not sure which subspecies occur(s) in Cusco.

Similar species: C. excelsior (I have no Cusco records) and C. cynosura have orange on FW, not red.

700 m., Kuporo Lodge, Quispicanchi

(300 m., Mato Grosso, Brazil)

Callicore cynosura

Uncommon up to 1050 m. Puddles, attracted to bait. I'm not sure which subspecies occur(s) in Cusco.

Similar species: C. astarte has red, not orange, on FW; C. excelsior (I have no Cusco records) lacks orange patch on VHW costa, among other differences.

1050 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

Callicore pygas

Rare(?) up to 600 m. Attracted to bait and mud. I'm not sure which subspecies occur(s) in Cusco.

Similar species: [none]

(500 m., Amazonia Lodge, Madre de Dios)

600 m. Quebrada Bienvenida, Paucartambo

Callicore lyca

Common 700-1400 m. Puddles; also attracted to bait. I'm not sure which subspecies occur(s) in Cusco.

Similar species: [none]

1400 m., San Pedro, Paucartambo

1100 m., Lower Manu Road, Paucartambo

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